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Rotary club dream project of eye hospital was given a go-head by Shri. Amba Parshad ji who became our patron & guide for this project.  |  NEW WEBSITE LAUNCHED  | 

RULE 1 :

Definitions :

In these rules unless the context otherwise Requires:

The “Trust” means the Amba Parshad Rotary Charitable Trust Sunder Nagar.

"The general body” means the general body of the Trust.

“The Governing Body” means the governing body of the Trust.

“The Chairman” means the chairman of the governing body of the Trust appointed by the governing body.

“A Trustee member” means a founder member of the Trust admitted as such under the trust rules & is qualified to continue as such.

“Secretary general” means a person appointed by the chairman as such to act as principal secretary of the Trust.

RULE 2 :

Membership :

  •  There will be the following classes of members :
    • Founding Members
    • Trustee Members
    • Special Members
    • Honorary Members
  • Special members will not have any right to vote but will participate in the general House of Trust & their views & suggestions will be considered.
  • The Trade union, establishment, including any embassy, legalisation, high commission, trade representation, consulate, office of the United Nations or any other similar mission or body which contributes a sum of Rs. 10000/ to the trust & who gives an undertaking through its duly authorised members or officers to further the objects of the Trust & to abide by the president rules shall be eligible as special members.
  • Any person whom the governing body of the trust considers fit by his having rendered outstanding service to the community & is helpful in furtherance of the objects of the trust & abides by the rules of the trust may be nominated as a special & honorary member of the trust.
  • Founding members & trustees members will contribute a sum of Rs.100000/- in the formation of trust if any Sunder Nagar Rotary Club Member wants to contribute in instalments & completes the instalment in 5 years he/ she will be taken as a member of the trust & he will be the trustee of the Trust also.
  • The quantum of fees, subscriptions, donations & contributions etc & the mode of payments shall be as prescribed by the governing body & may be revised by it from time to time.
  • Under any of the conditions, the membership of individual members will cease to exist :
    •  Death
    •  Registration
    •  Insanity
    •  Insolvency
    •  Conviction by a court of justice for an offence involving moral turpitude.
    •  Continued absence for one year from meetings of the general body without sufficient cause.
  • The governing body by resolution may remove any member from the membership of the trust if, in its opinion, the member has committed a breach of any of these rules or has raised or neglected to abide by the rules or has committed any act prejudicial to the furtherance of objects of the trust.
  • Provided that the said resolution of the governing body shall be passed by the votes of 3/4th of the members present & voting at a special meeting thereof convened for the purpose after at least 21 days notice with approval of the general house thereafter.
  • And provided further that no such resolution shall be passed unless the member concerned is informed by a registered letter & acknowledgement due which reaches him at least 21 days before such meeting of the date, time & grounds on which it is proposed to remove him from membership of the trust & is allowed to explain his / her conduct to the governing body in writing or person at such meeting.
  • General body : for governance purposes, the general body shall consist of all categories of existing trust members.

RULE 3 :

Governing body :

The governing body shall be the supreme governing body of the trust.

The governing body shall consist as under :

Mr. B.B kaushal will be the chairman of trust. After b.B kaushal the chairman of the trust will be selected from among the trustees with majority votes , if there is any conflict then in that event the decision of general body will prevail.

Governing body will consist of 15 members excluding chairman. 5 members will be sponsored by the rotary club snr from amongst the trustees & 6 members will be nominated by the chairman from the trustees.

  •  After amba parshad his nominee will be the pattern of the trust.
  •  4 ex- official members as under :
    • President of the rotary club sunder nagar.
    • Secretary of the rotary club sunder nagar.
    • Immediate past president of the rotary club
    • President elect member of the rotary club.
  • The first governing body constituted according to rules Will continue to function for a period of 5 years or till such Time as the first eye care centre is completed & start Functioning. After that the term of trust will be decided by The general body of trust.
  • The chairman of the governing body shal have a vote in case of a tie vote in the proceedings.
  • The governing body may co-opt to include two such persons whose co-option on the governing body shall be necessary & useful for running the affairs of the trust.
  • The governing body shall co-opt members on the governing body to fill casual vacancies caused by death / resignation / disqualification of an elected member.
  • The governing body may invite at its meeting such person whose presence will be useful for the functioning of the trust.
  • A member of the governing body may resign from the governing body by addressing a letter to the chairman.
  • If the governing body is not satisfied with the functioning of any of its office bearers , it may be recommended to the general body to remove any or all of them by 2/3rd majority in a special meeting of the general body convened for the purpose. At least two weeks notice should be given for such a meeting.
  • The general body will have the power to make or amend there rules by 2/3rd majority for the efficient functioning of the trust.
  • The chairman of planning & design committee & construction committee will be equivalent to vice chairman in the hierarchy &other chairmans will be equivalent to the joint secretary.

And provided that the person / persons proposed to be removed from the office should be given a registered notice , acknowledgement due in that regard which should reach the person / persons concerned at least three weeks before the meeting.

RULE 4 :

Office Bearers :

The following shall be the office bearers of the trust.

  • Sh. Amba parshad chief patron of the trust.
  • Chairman “Sh. Brijbushan kaushal”.
  • Senior vice chairman : “Sh. Hoshiar singh thakur”.
  • Vice chairman : “(1) umesh kumar gautam” , “(2) parveen kumar aggrawal”.
  • Secretary : “ Sh. Trilok nath”.
  • Joint secretary : “ Sh. Hem singh thakur”.
  • Finance secretary : “Sh. Madan lal mahajan”.
  • Organising secretary : “Sh. Ram pal gupta”.
  • Legal advisor : “Sh. Satyapal chaudhary”.

The chairman will constitute to the governing body from the amongst members nominated by him & those elected by trustees.

Meetings :

The general body shall hold its meetings as under :

  • One in the last week of nov. Of every year when it shall consider the annual audited report for the preceding year. In the month of may the governing body will present the budget for the year beginning 1st april.
  • The meeting of the general body shall be convened by the chairman or with his concurrence by the secretary general & three weeks clear notice will be given to the member.
  • Special meetings of the general body may be convened by requisition by not less than one half of the total number of members of the trust, including at least 3 members of the governing body may send the notice to the chairman at least 21 days in advance.
  • At all the meetings of the general body , 2/3rd of the total number of members of the trust , shall constitute the quorum.
  • The governing body shall meet once in 3 months or at shorter intervals if necessary.
  • The meetings of the governing body shall be convened by the chairman or the secretary general provided that not less than eleven members of the governing body may call a meeting by circulating a notice to all the members of the governing body at least 14 days in advance.
  • At all meetings of the governing body , 50%+ of all members shall constitute the quorum.
  • The meeting of the general body & governing body shall be presided by thechairman & in his / her absence by the senior vice chairman & in the absence of both by the vice chairman. In the absence of all three , any member of governing body may be voted to preside over.

RULE 5 :

Business by circulation of papers :

The governing body may dispense urgent matters by circulation of papers on the initiative of the chairman.The trustee shall maintain the minutes book in which the proceeding of all meetings of the trustees shall be recorded by the trustees & the same shall be signed by the chairman of the meeting.

RULE 6 :

Contracts etc. :

No contract , debt or obligation shall be binding on the trust unless it is recommended by a resolution of governing body & finally countersigned by the chairman.

RULE 7 :

Vesting of property , deeds & documents :

All the property of the trust shall vest in & be held by the governing body who shall have powers to deal with it & take all action concerning it in the interest of the trust. All deeds & documents shall be signed by the chairman & any 2 members authorised by the governing body.Trustees shall invest in the properties & money of the trust in such a manner as prescribed under section 11 of income tax 1961& other statutory laws.

Custody of documents
Chairman or his nominee or any other trustee if so authorised by the board of trustees shall have the custody of all the documents, deeds of the title relating to the trust properties & investment & the books of account & another record related to the trust & shall be responsible for preservation of the same.

RULE 8 :

Utilisation of Income & Property :

The income & property of the trust whatsoever & howsoever acquired or derived shall be applied solely towards the objects of the trust as set out in the memorandum of trust & no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly or by way of dividend or bonus or otherwise howsoever by way of profits to the person who at any time are or were the members of the trust but any expenditure incurred other than necessary ordinary expense shall be approved in the first instance by the governing body.

RULE 9 :

Staff :

The trust shall engage the services on regular or on adhoc basis, of members of the medical profession, lawyers, accountants, auditors, engineers, architects & others for the carrying out of the trust obligations & to fix their remuneration, allowances & prerequisites & to afford them the necessary facilities for the performance of their duties.
The trust shall employ nursing & other staff of every type & description for the carrying out of the objects of the trust.
The trust can organise & maintain residential & messing arrangements for doctors , nurses & others serving in the connection with the objects of the trust for the benefit of the employees of the trust.
The trust can establish a provident fund for the benefit of the employees of the trust.

RULE 10 :

Dissolution :

If upon the dissolution of the trust there shall remain after the satisfaction of its debits & liabilities any property the same shall not be paid or distributed amongst the members of the trust or any of them but shall be given over to some other society or trust with comparable purpose according to the procedure laid down under the applicable law in the indian trust act 1882.
Provided that nothing here in contained shall affect the right of any member of the trust to the return of loans or deposits or the payment of the interest , remuneration or arrears thereof or other lawful dues.

RULE 11 :

Suits :

The trust shall sue or be sued in the name of the chairman or the secretary general.

RULE 12 :

By Laws :

The governing body shall have full powers to make amends & rescind by-laws from time to time provided that these are not in consistence with these rules & memorandum of association in accordance with indian trust act.Spokes person will be appointed by the chairman who will do all the publicity & press related works no other persons will be authorised to make any release.

RULE 13 :

Amendments :

Amendments to the rules & regulations of the trust shall be made by the general body only by the votes of 2/3rd of the members present & voting at a meeting convened specifically for the purpose provided that the members voting in favour of the amendment shall not in any event be less than 25.

RULE 14 :

Committees :

There will be following committees for the smooth & efficient functioning & meeting with the aim & object of the trust which will be :

Planning & design committee

Head : sh.Jc patiyal.
Members :sh. Rakesh kapoor, sh. Hoshiar singh thakur , dr. R.K gupta ,sh. Pradeep gupta.

Construction committee

Head : sh. T.N mahajan.
Members : sh. Anil sharma , sh. Pardeep gupta , sh. S.K mittal.

Land procuring committee

Head : sh. Ram pal gupta.
Members : sh. Hoshiar singh thakur , sh. Parveen aggrawal.

Fundraising committee

Head : sh. Parveen aggrawal.
Members : dr. Jc sharma ,sh. Trilok nath , sh. Gaurav surachia.

Purchasing committee

Head : sh. Hem singh thakur.
Members : sh. Jai singh thakur , sh. Ghanshyam mahajan , dr. P.R Chauhan, sh. Amit kaushal.

Liasoning committee

Head : sh. Umesh kumar gautam.
Members : sh. Parveen aggrawal , sh. Ram pal gupta.

Audit committee

Head : sh. Ghanshyam mahajan.
Members : sh. S.P chaudhary , k.G sood.

Finance committee headed by the finance secretary

Head : sh. Madan lal mahajan.
Members : sh. Suresh gupta , sh. Naresh dhiman