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Rotary club dream project of eye hospital was given a go-head by Shri. Amba Parshad ji who became our patron & guide for this project.  |  NEW WEBSITE LAUNCHED  | 
Memorandum Of Association For Creation Of Charitable Trust

This is in accordance with the indian trust act of 1882, being an act for the registration of charitable trust , in the name of amba parshad rotary charitable trust for the purpose of educational , literary , scientific , philanthropic , health & other social related purpose at Sunder Nagar distt. Mandi , Himachal Pradesh.

  • Name :The Amba Parshad Rotary Charitable Trust Sunder Nagar.
  • Office : The registered office of the charitable trust shall be situated at sunder nagar town, distt. Mandi hp or any other place as the founding members or inheritors see it fit to locate the said office.
  • Objects :The objects for which this charitable trust is formed are as under :-
    • Primarily to establish & maintain eye care centre / centers including diagnosis & treatment of patients suffering from various health problems.
    • To promote & organize research facilities is in diagnosis & treatment of eye diseases & other disciplines relating to other branches of medicine.
    • To establish & maintain hospital / hospitals to provide medical services to the community for any speciality as per requirement of the community from time to time.
    • To provide financial aid & other assistance to meritorious & deserving persons to execute the cause of study of training as also research in diagnosis & treatment of eye disease & in related disciplines & branches of medicine in various institutions including those established, sponsored or aided by the trust.
    • To provide special facilities to daily labourer & other vulnerable people in & around sunder nagar for the diagnosis & treatment of eye disease.
    • To invite or to organize or sponsor invitations to leading members of the medical profession from medical centre & institutions all over the world for the advancement of any object as mentioned above.
    • To issue appeals & applications for collection of money , funds , equipment & materials in the furtherance of the said objects & to accept gifts , donations & subscription of cash & securities, loans , deposits & any other movable or immovable property.
    • To invest & deal with the funds & money of the trust & to vary , alter or to transpose such investments from time to time for the benefits of the trust.
    • To purchase or acquire or obtain or take on lease or hire in the town of sunder nagar or outside temporarily or permanently any movable or immovable property necessary for the furtherance of objectives or the objectives of the trust.
    • To sell , mortgage , lease , exchange or otherwise transfer or dispose-off or deal with all or any other property , movable or immovable of the trust for the furtherance of the objectives of the charitable trust.
    • To construct , maintain , alter , improve or develop any building or works or plant necessary or convenient for the purpose of achieving the objectives of trust.
    • To undertake & accept the endowment of trust funds or donation with the objectives similar to the objects of the charitable trust.
    • To hold fairs, exhibitions , mobile camps / associated events & award prizes & incentives & to grant scholarships & stipends for the furtherance of the objectives of the amba parshad rotary charitable trust.
    • To do or get done such other lawful acts, deeds & conductive things as are conductive or incidental or ancillary to the attainment of the above objectives of the trust.
  • Till such time as the first regular governing body of the trust is constituted , the management of the trust shall temporarily vest in the interim governing body appointed temporarily by founding members / inheritors of the trust mentioned in trust deed. The temporary governing body would operate & do all the needful work for the trust including registration of trust pending the imminent constitution of a permanent governing body in accordance with the by-laws of the trust & its constitution.
  • Provision for initial membership :
  • Sh. Amba Parshad S/O L.T Sh. Prithvi Sharma (NRI) has very kindly agreed to donate the initial incubation finance for trust with donation of Rs. one crore.
    Every trustee is entitled to nominate his successor after his demise or when he feels so after becoming the member of rotary club snr.
    We , the authors of this trust deed whose names & address are given above having associated ourselves for the purpose described in this memorandum of trust & set our several & respective hands as mentioned under introduction above to form this trust under Indian trust act , 1882 on may , 2020.